Manasarovar is the most sacred of all lakes .
Located on the northern flank of the Himalayas at the base of Mount Kailash , at an altitude of about 4500 metres it is the largest freshwater lake on the planet at this altitude . It is about 90 Km in circumference , 90 metres in depth and about 320 sq km in area .
Born of the mind of Brahma the Creator ,- Manas ( mind ) and Sarovar ( lake ) . The sacred lake is connected to another spectacular lake Rakshastal by a channel .
Two great rivers of the Indian Subcontinent - Brahmaputra ( the son of Brahma ) and the Sutlej take birth from the twin Lakes of Mansarovar and Rakshastal . The origin of the Sindhu ( indus ) river is also near by . The origins of the Ganga and the Yamuna are also not very far away .
Hence this region is special and a place of pilgrimage , along with Mount Kailash . Those who drink the clear waters are cleansed of all sin . The Devas ( the radiant and shining ones) are divine beings who bathe in this lake during Brahma Muhurta ( the auspicious time ) of 4-6 am . The sacred Swans , birds of knowledge and wisdom associated with the Goddess Saraswati spend their summers here. The place is also sacred to Buddhists .
Currently this area falls under occupied Tibet .
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